I’ve made something for you, dear readers! Read on.
After the celebration and heightened spiritual awareness of Lent and Easter, settling into ordinary life can feel a little anticlimactic. When Jesus returned to Heaven, he promised to send us a Comforter, Helper, and Spirit of Truth to guide us as we continue to build God’s Kingdom here on earth.
I don’t know about you, but I’m in a season of life where I need a daily reminder that the Holy Spirit continues to move and help and comfort and speak truth to my soul.
As a follower of Christ, the Holy Spirit makes his home in me. He makes his home in you. Author Doug McKelvey wrote an entire book on the premise that every moment is holy. Even the most mundane, frustrating, and confusing moments of daily life. How easily I forget the Holy Spirit is present in each one of them.
I needed a daily reminder, and I thought perhaps you might too. So, I’ve written a devotional for us called By One Spirit, to remind us of the purpose and power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
I’m giving away seven days of readings to subscribers for free, and for those who want a bit more of By One Spirit, I’ve created a full digital devotional with an additional month’s worth of readings and a few more photos from my travels abroad. I hope you’ll join me as we discover more about this often-overlooked member of the Trinity.
Click here to subscribe and receive your free 7 day devotional.