Hello Readers!
I’m so glad you’re here. Today, I’m sharing some fresh changes to my offerings here online!
I’ve been writing online for sixteen years, and moving to writing on substack at The Attentive Life is the latest iteration of that work. I began as a blogger and eventually wrote for a dedicated group of readers via weekly emails. Sixteen years’ worth of content exists all over the interwebs and in email inboxes, almost all of which has been written (joyfully!) for free.
These weekly emails are in addition to my freelance work writing articles (my latest is linked below), as well as my work as a tutor and adjunct professor of college writing. It’s been a mix of paid and unpaid work, which has suited my need for flexibility and freedom in my offerings.
As my life, my teaching work, and my writing experience continues to shift and grow, I find myself facing a bit of a conundrum as far as writing online. For some time, I’ve wanted to move to substack and dedicate myself more to readers with weekly essays and more developed reflective prompts along with a few other content ideas.
I’m excited to offer more dedicated writing at The Attentive Life, so in order to commit myself more fully to that work, I moved to a subscription model beginning in May. The subscription price is the lowest Substack allows. Your subscription will help offset the costs associated with writing online.
To help you decide on your next step as a reader, here’s how it will look:
All Subscribers to The Attentive Life:
- Receive one essay at the beginning of the month. This monthly letter will be free to all subscribers, paid or otherwise.
Paid Subscribers: ($5/month or $50/year)
- In addition to the free monthly essay, you’ll receive three additional posts each month with corresponding reflective practices on Wednesdays.
- Monthly guided meditations via audio. I’m so excited about this offering! I’ve been a part of a meditation group for a few years, and it’s been a source of deep healing. I’ll be offering prayer and scripture focused guided meditations in an audio format for you to listen at your leisure.
- Occasional Q&A posts. I receive questions regularly from readers on a variety of topics, and I would love to share those with you. I’ll pull from past questions, and any new Q’s you’d like to submit. (Need resources for healing from trauma, book recs, answers to your writing conundrums, creative inspiration, or tips on navigating life as a sensitive soul who wants to be attentive to this complex world? I’m your gal).
- A digital copy of my ebook Borrowed Words: A Collection of Seasonal Prayers. Subscribe
Gift Subscriptions: If you can’t swing a paid subscription right now, please email me through my about page. No need to explain why, just simply let me know you’re in need of gift subscription. I’m happy to offer it to anyone in need! Paid subscriptions aren’t meant to keep people out, but rather to create a quieter and safer space to write to readers who want to be a part of this work.
If you’re not ready to commit to a paid subscription, see below for a few alternate ways to connect!
If we’re not friends on Instagram, pop over and see if you’d like to follow along for regular-ish snapshots of everyday life. I share books I’m reading monthly (there’s a Book highlight with a few years’ worth of good reads!), regular notes on paying attention, and creative prompts. If you’re a contemplative, a journaler, or a writer there are lots of questions/creative prompts in my posts that would make for some great material written from your own pen.
Click here to read my latest article for In Touch Ministries! “When I Couldn’t Tread Water Anymore” explores how to continue to grow in relationship with God if you can’t attend church anymore. For more published articles, check out this page.
Thanks so much for your support! I look forward to connecting with you at The Attentive Life as these new changes roll out.